Tag Archive | relay for life

Chairs of Hope 2012-2013!

In a few more weeks, our 5th Grade Art Club will begin to prime their chairs for our Chairs of Hope Project which benefits both the Garner Relay For Life and The American Cancer Society.

This year’s chair theme is all about sport’s teams, their team colours, logos, even mascots!

We have been blessed by Smithfield Chicken and Barbeque with a donation of 50 chairs for our project!

So, if you would like to join in and paint a chair, please let me know.

Here are our chair teams so far:
UNC, NC State, Duke, Wake Forest, East Carolina, App State, Virginia Tech, Michigan, Charlotte, Univ. of South Carolina, Univ. of Texas, Miami Dolphins, Pittsburgh Steelers, Miami Heat, Detroit Red Wings, Washington Redskins, Carolina Panthers, California-Anaheim Angels, Boston Celtics, Boston Red Sox, NY Yankees, LA Lakers, Clemson University, and saving the best for last on this list… Marshall University…GO HERD!